PSI research group leader appointed to GEO-7 - PSI Research Group
PSI research group leader appointed to GEO-7

Associate Professor Pedro Fidelman, PSI Research Group leader, has been appointed as a Coordinating Lead Author for the 7th edition of the Global Environment Outlook (GEO).

The GEO is a report produced by the United Nations Environment Programme that provides a comprehensive assessment of the state of the world’s environment. The report is released every five years and is based on a wide range of data sources, scientific studies, and expert input.

It covers a broad range of environmental issues, including climate change, biodiversity loss, land degradation, air and water pollution, and waste management. Its aim is to provide policymakers, stakeholders, and the general public with the latest information on the current state of the environment and to provide insights into the future.

One of the unique features of the GEO report is its holistic and integrated analysis of environmental challenges. It recognizes the interconnectedness between environmental issues and other global challenges such as poverty, health, and economic development. This approach is important because it highlights the need for policy decisions that address multiple challenges simultaneously.

Pedro’s appointment as a Coordinating Lead Author for the 7th edition of the GEO report is a testament to the PSI Research Group expertise in this field. As a Coordinating Lead Author, he will work with other experts to synthesise and analyse the latest data and research on environmental issues, and help produce a report that will inform policy decisions for years to come.

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