Current Projects (selected)

Pre-conditions for the Development of Offshore Wind Energy in Australia

This project – led by the University of Tasmania in partnership with The University of Queensland, SAITEC, SA, Griffith University, DNV Australia Pty Limited, BMT Commercial Australia Pty Ltd, Universidad Austral de Chile, and Tasmanian Department of State Growth – aims to unlock Australia’s offshore wind power potential. The project focuses on best practices in policy, regulations, social acceptance, and supply chains. In doing so, it helps build integrity and good governance in Australia’s emerging offshore wind industry. More info >>

Funded by: Blue Economy CRC-Co Ltd | Duration: 2023–2026 | Role: Chief Investigator (CI); work package lead

SM Bay City Sustainability Framework

A partnership with SM Smart City Infrastructure and Development Corporation, this project develops a Sustainability Framework for the development of a brand new “Smart City” in Manila Bay, the Philippines. The City aims to stand as a model sustainable city that meets the Philippines’ aspirations for more sustainable living. This partnership presents significant opportunities to shape the sustainability outcomes for this major development for decades to come, and will have potential to be used as a successful exemplar for future developments of this kind.

Funded by: SM Smart City Infrastructure and Development Corporation | Duration: 2022–2023 | Role: co-lead CI

Reef Restoration and Adaptation Program

The Reef Restoration and Adaptation Program (RRAP) is a partnership to help the Great Barrier Reef resist, adapt and recover from the impacts of climate change. Many of the proposed interventions being investigated by RRAP will include activities that have not previously been considered within the Great Barrier Reef World Heritage Area. As part RRAP Regulatory Subprogram, this project aims to help develop a robust and enabling regulatory environment for reef restoration and adaptation, and a regulatory and policy best-practice for reef adaptation and restoration. More info >>

Funded by: Great Barrier Reef Foundation | Duration: 2020–2024 | Role: lead CI

ARC Research Hub for Sustainable Crop Protection

The ARC Research Hub for Sustainable Crop Protection will bring RNA-based bio-pesticides to agriculture, resulting in reduced chemical inputs, increased crop productivity, green credentials, sustainability, market access and capacity building, all of which will contribute to a more profitable and competitive food and agribusiness sector. As part of the Hub, this project investigates existing policy and regulatory frameworks with the aim of underscoring the right policy settings and enabling environments required for RNA-based bio-pesticides to gain traction in the marketplace.

Funded by: Australian Research Council | Duration: 2020–2025 | Role: CI

Indicators for tracking environmental condition and trend in Queensland

This project is a partnership between the Department of Environment and Science (Queensland) and The University of Queensland. It includes the review and recommendations of state-wide outcomes, development of key indicators and associated targets and metrics for tracking and reporting on biodiversity conservation in Queensland.

Funded by: Queensland Department of Environment and Science | Duration: 2021–2023 | Role: CI (lead CI: Prof Martine Maron, The University of Queensland)

Recently Completed Projects (selected)

Mapping and Analysis of Blue Economy Policy and Legislative Arrangements

By using an innovative approach based on computer-generated graphs, this project delivered (i) a map of the existing policy and legislative arrangements as they relate to blue economy uses, activities and resources; (ii) cross-sector analyses to identify gaps and overlaps that may hinder blue economy activities; and, (iii) a searchable online database of such policy and legislative arrangements that will assist industry, researchers and government in their decision-making and planning. This project is part of the Blue Economy Cooperative Research Centre. More info >>

Funded by: Blue Economy CRC-Co Ltd | Duration: 2020–2021| Role: lead CI

Parks Australia Management Effectiveness Framework

This project aimed to develop an overarching Monitoring, Evaluation, Reporting and Improvement (MERI) Framework and roadmap for implementation for Parks Australia. The framework outlines a best practice, fit-for-purpose approach to (i) monitor the progress of management actions, and (ii) evaluate the effectiveness of the Director of National Park’s actions in achieving management plan objectives. The framework will apply to all Commonwealth reserves managed by the Director of National Parks.

Funded by: Parks Australia (Commonwealth Government) | Duration: 2021 | Role: lead CI

Source: AIMS

Crown-of-Thorns Starfish Control Innovation Program (CCIP)

CCIP is working on innovative and scalable ways to control crown-of-thorns starfish (COTS) in the Great Barrier Reef, and, therefore, reduce coral mortality from COTS outbreaks at high-value reefs. As part of CCIP feasibility and design phase, this project explored policy and regulatory implications of COTS control interventions, and identified research needs for CCIP R&D phase.

Funded by: Great Barrier Reef Foundation | Duration: 2021 | Role: CI

Conservation Gene Drive Governance

Gene drive is a cutting-edge genetic technology, which has the potential to address pressing conservation problems. This project, a partnership between The University of Queensland and University of Exeter, sought to understand the governance dimension associated with the movement of gene drive into the conservation and environmental domain. Specifically, it examined the range and substance of emerging governance principles. Such analysis aimed to better understand the aspirations underpinning the potential use of gene drive in conservation and how scientists and other experts imagine their responsibility in this field. More info >>

Funded by: QUEX Institute | Duration: 2020–2021 | Role: CI (lead CI: Assoc Prof Sarah Hartley, University of Exeter, UK)

Developing a Policy and Regulatory Research Plan for Australia’s Emerging Blue Economy

By drawing on a systematic literature review, survey and focus group with Blue Economy CRC stakeholders (industry, research providers and government), this project aimed to develop a coordinated and staged research plan based on these sectors’ short-, medium- and long-term needs and priorities. This project is part of the Blue Economy Cooperative Research Centre. More info >>

Funded by: Blue Economy CRC-Co Ltd | Duration: 2019 | Role: CI

See also our research themes and research outputs